10 practical tips that will stop you from wasting time futher more. 

Are you tired of wasting time throughout the day? But still didn't know how you can manage your time? How you can utilize the day? Why you are not getting what you wanted to achieve? 

In this fast paced world where managing time is not only a person's desire, but it's also a necessity.

Why time management is important? 

Imagine a day where each minute passing like sand slipping through fingers. Just like the sun rises and sets, we tackle with multiple problems, responsibilities, deadlines, and aspirations.

Here are few instant benefits of time management. 

Reduce stress. 

Increases efficiency

Better work balence 

More free time 

No work load 

Increase focus 

Less distraction 

Let's dive deep into the 10 scientifically proven methods and practical tips for managing your time. These practical tips will empower you to not just manage time but to be the master of it. 

1 Use to do list 

The idea is that every day whatever you decide to do, write down in a notebook or a small peice of paper. 

You know I did it for a week, and you would be surprised to know the result, because it's really like a magic. I started doing more things in lesser time. But one day I decided not to write them anywhere. I just image in my mind all those stuffs that i had to do. 

But at the end of the day i realize it's a lot harder to get stuff done. So start planning your days not in mind, in your notebook. And then see the magic. 

2 Parkinson's Law.

It's a simple law which tells that work expands to Fill the time that we allocate to it.

For example if I have to film a YouTube video in a day, and I give myself the whole day to film that YouTube video, Inevitably it's going to take all my day to Film the YouTube video. 

Whereas if I only give myself half an hour or an hour to film the YouTube video and i fill my day up with other things, then Inevitably I get the video done in that amount of time.

And so the actionable advice here is to leverage artificial deadlines, even when it's something small.

3 Make smaller goals for a day and complete it. 

You know it's a most important thing when we talk about time management. We usually put a lot of work in my mind then we try to complete them. And at the end of the we get demotivated because of not completing task. 

So i recommend you to consider smaller and easy goals for day 1 and then put all your effort to complete them and then don't forget to reward your self with whatever your brain likes. 

4 Say No to Unwanted works. 

I know it's sometime hard for you to say no. But you can prioritize you task first. Divide them into bunches and identify which one should be done firstly. This will give you a clear understanding of what you are doing. 

5 Set smart Goals. 

We sometime set a goal which quite hard to achieve. We put in all efforts, time, resources but at the end we didn't get the expected outcome. So our should be real not imaginary, measurable not lengthy, achievable not frustrating. 

So review all those factors according to your capability and then start anything. Also don't forget to set time bound. 

6 Be aware what you're going to do. 

You should be mindful about your actions because you know yourself better then anyone even from your parents. So stop Procrastination ( Assuming that I can do anything) because you can't be perfect in each field. Also there is a famous quote 

" You can do anything but not everything " 

7 Avoid multitasking. 

People around us usually prefer that multitasking is Good but you need to know that it's result is bad. 

So focus on one thing at one time. And give it your 100% . Forget all other work that you have been given. Because at the end it will just create stress in your mind. 

8 Give your self time. 

It's not always necessary that you will do anything with same level of focus and dedication. Sometime doing nothing, giving your mind proper rest is good for increasing productivity, efficiency and reducing stress. 

Because if your mind is not stress free then you can't expect more from it. So remember youo not a robot who can work throughout the day without having proper rest. 

9 Minimize Distractions. 

It is one of the most common reason that we believe contribute a lot in wasting time. Whenever a message pop ups on the mobile screen, we suddenly look into it and here you lost your total concentration, once you get into the mobile phone, it may ruin your maximum time. 

So keep all those things away that you that may disturb you at any moment. 

10 Reward Yourself for smaller achievement. 

Our mind likes pleasure the more it will be happy the more effectively it would work. So don't always put pressure on your brain for anything. Because once you put your brain into the situation, it started overthinking about the problems. 

As a result the problem become more and more complex. 

So those were 10 tips for managing your time which I thought will be helpful for you. 

And if there is anything that you wanted to add then write down in a comment box.