10 unexplored side hustle ideas that can make you a millionaire in 2024. 

Are you still searching for how to make money online? Then your wait is now over because in this blog post you will know 10 side hustle ideas that anyone can do. And most interestingly it doesn't require you to be an expert. 

1 Be part time Air Tasker.

So Air Tasker is an online platform that connects people who need tasks done with people who have the skills to do them.

And this could be anything from delivering parcels, Gardening, painting and cleaning homes, marketing and design etc. 

I mean if you have any skill that you think you could be hired, then visit this amazing platform and resister yourself as a worker. 

One of my favorite side hustles you can do on this website is moving.

And this is something I did when I was young and there were times where I actually made over a $100 per hour and you can expect to make at the very least $3500 an hour doing this side hustle. 

And basically what you do is you literally just help people move things from point A to paint B. Now you might be thinking you need a truck or you need a van or something along those lines and yes, those things do help, But once you've booked the task, a lot of the time you can actually just go ahead and rent a truck And this is something you can do for just a little bit of extra money on the side whenever you have some free time or it's something you can turn into a Full time business.

2 Sell educational notes 

You might be thinking in this AI world who will buy your notes? Then you are wrong because even toady there are many students and working professionals buy hand written notes for which they pay a good amount of money 

you can start with nexusnotes.com

And this is where you get to monetize your academic expertise by creating and selling comprehensive study guides

And you can also get paid to share lecture notes as well as summaries to lazy students who didn't want to attend class. Now this is something I used to do all the time

I used to skip almost every single class in pharmacy school, at least the ones that I could get away with.

And luckily I'd always have some friends that would give me the notes afterwards. And if you don't think you can make money with this Well, there was a girl who made $2,000,000 in two years named Stephanie Bakes, and she did it by selling study notes on Etsy and TikTok

And if you look into the notes section, hey, what do you know? There's pharmacy notes for tablets and liquid oral formulations. So you can basically Find study notes on just about any subject out there and to get started, Nexus Notes makes this entire process super easy. 

3 Get paid as an illustrator

You may be surprised to know that even if you have no any art related talent still you can make money through it. 

And that's because you can use Al software such as Mid Journey, Lexica, Adobe, Or Pic finder AI to create amazing graphic design.

So all you really have to get good at is prompting Mid Journey to do all of the work for you.

And there's a story | found on CNBC Make it about a 29 year old making $22000 per month.

And she did this with her art related side hustle and she says that she only works about two hours per day. And of course, you can make much more than that as a freelancer. 

Or if you start your own business.

And you can get started with this on all kinds of different freelancing websites such as fiverr.com

Now the trick here is to make sure that you find a niche. 

You just need to find a profitable niche to be an illustrator. And rest will be automatically done. So overall, this is a really good opportunity for making decent money. 

4 Sell digital products

Now, the reason this is such a good business model is because of the fact that digital products have very little overhead. They're extremely cheap to create

So when you sell a digital product, you probably have a profit margin over 90% which is pretty much unheard of for any other type of product.

And on top of that, digital products are incredibly scalable and you don't have to store them in a place like you would with physical products. 

So you don't have to deal with all the logistical problems that come along with selling physical products. 

You can sell anything from ebooks to templates to online courses and you basically just create it one time and then you have a product that is out there forever getting sales for you passively.

So for instance, I have a product that I created and I don't even market it and it still passively gets sales

So my best advice on this one is to start off by selling a super cheap product

Just try to make your first dollar online.

So make some kind of e-book or a template or a checklist, something along those lines and sell it for $1

Once you get a few sales at $100, move up to 5$, make something else and sell it for $10.

Then move up to like 50$ or $100 and so on. 

And by doing this, first of all you'll figure out what people actually want to buy and you will get the ball rolling,

5 Podcast Project Manager

Now this one might be great for you if you're a fan of podcasts, and that's going to be a podcast project manager.

And this is something that a bunch of people out there are making really good money from. 

There's a lot of different ways that you can make money from this

For instance, you can help people set up their podcasts, dealing with all of the audio and the interface and making sure that cameras switch when person A is talking or switching when person B is talking.

That isn't super easy to set up so a lot of the time people will hire experts to set it up for them.

And there's also other jobs related to podcast, such as clipping up all of the different podcast videos. 

There is just a lot of ways to make money when it comes to podcasts. So you can make around 50$ per hour. 

6 Field Inspector 

This involves real estate, and it's something you can do as a side hustle. 

So Field inspectors basically perform inspections on properties. 

A lot of the time they'll take pictures and they'll just document everything in order to make sure that the property is suitable to be lived in.

And sometimes it has to do with insurance purposes as well.And one website where you can get started with this easily is jmireports.com.

Now you might be thinking you have experience in real estate in order to do this, but actually the job is relatively simple, but it does require somebody to go there in person and it even says right on the website, experience in insurance or field work isn't essential to handle this role

Now according to Glassdoor, field inspectors make about $54,000 a year and this is something you can do as a side hustle as well

And typically it'll make about 150 to $350 per day, and that's according to JM. So overall this is really solid one.

7 Be a chess Coach. 

It might be great for you if you're a fan of chess, and that is becoming a professional chess coach. 

So chess is something that I used to play when I was younger, but I got back into it the last few years when the Queen's Gambit came out on Netflix and chess basically just exploded in popularity

Now one thing I noticed is I wasn't actually getting better watching some of the best players out there make content because

they're just so much better than everyone else, that it's like it doesn't really help you when they explain things.

Instead the channels that I found I had the most success with when it comes to getting better were channels with lower rated coaches

And there are chess coaches out there such as Gotham Chess which is Levy Rosman were estimated to make over $10 million a year,

And The Funny thing is you can actually make more money as a chess coach or a chess content creator than being a chess player.

Most professional chess players do not make good money at all, so hopefully that changes in the future.

8 Create YouTube channel 

It's something that you will never regret doing. You can make millions of dollars just by creating content on YouTube. For getting started just select a profitable niche, you can do it in a few hour of research. 

Then start creating content once your video will start getting views you will be paid according to the watch time. But here is not the end, You will earn a lot more from sponsorship or referral and promotion. Also you can use your own channel to promote your business too. 

So stop overthinking and follow your passion. 

9 Make money as a content writer. 

You know there is always demand for a content writer. 

What content writers do, is just to convert any ideas, or strory into an engaging text. 

Now content writing also has many other sub divisions. For example you can be a script writer, blog post writer, LinkedIn post writer, etc. 

So if you're interested in any of those, then you can earn a good amount of money from this particular skill. 

All you need to do is to create some samples of your writing, Once you have something to show that you are a content writer then you can start your journey from many freelancing websites like Upwork, Fiverr etc. 

10 Be a Photographer. 

Nowadays there are thousands of influencers who are willing to pay 50$ to 100$ per hour for hiring a Photographer. 

And this job market is completely unexplored. 

Although it requires you to have some experience of it. But it didn't require years of experience. You can start offering your service even if you have a basic idea of that. 

In an interview Dhruv ratthe ( a indian YouTuber) revealed that they spent around $10,000 on a videographer. So from here you can understand it's potential. 

For that of course you need a camera, and once you find a good client you will never get disappointed from your job. 

So in this blog I have talked about 10 easy side hustles from where you can start your online journey. Also you can make it full time job, if you find it cool. 

If you want more side hustle idea's like this, then let me know in the comment section.